Autor Otfrid of Wissembourg

Basic Information
  • GLOSSAE IN MATTHAEUM (801 - 900)
  • Legacy ID 115.0
    Name (de) Otfrid von Weißenburg
    GND ID
    Name (lat) Otfridus Wizanburgensis
    Name (en) Otfrid of Wissembourg
    Name (fr) Otfried de Wissembourg
    Name (it) Otfrido di Weissenburg
    Century 9th c.
    From ca. 800
    To ca. 870
    Start Date 800
    End Date 870
    Place Wissembourg
    Comment Monk, scholar and theologian, author of biblical poetry in Old High German
    Original data {"aid": 115, "anamed": "Otfrid von Wei\u00dfenburg", "anamelat": "Otfridus Wizanburgensis", "anameeng": "Otfrid of Wissembourg", "anamefr": "Otfried de Wissembourg", "anameit": "Otfrido di Weissenburg", "avon": "ca. 800", "abis": "ca. 870", "ajh": "9th c.", "aort": "", "akommentar": ""}