Autor Saxo Grammaticus

Basic Information
  • GESTA DANORUM (1185 - 1216)
  • Legacy ID 285.0
    Name (de) Saxo Grammaticus
    GND ID
    Name (lat) Saxo Longus / Grammaticus
    Name (en) Saxo Grammaticus
    Name (fr) Saxon le Grammairien
    Name (it) Sàssone il Grammatico
    Century 12th-13th c.
    From 1150
    To 1220
    Start Date 1150
    End Date 1220
    Place Zealand
    Comment The dates of birth and death are an approximation.
    Original data {"aid": 285, "anamed": "Saxo Grammaticus", "anamelat": "Saxo Longus / Grammaticus ", "anameeng": "Saxo Grammaticus", "anamefr": "Saxon le Grammairien", "anameit": "S\u00e0ssone il Grammatico ", "avon": "1150", "abis": "1220", "ajh": "12th-13th c.", "aort": "270", "akommentar": "The dates of birth and death are an approximation."}