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Total results: 387
ID Name (en) Longitude Latitude Edit/Delete
391 Oviedo 43.3623 -5.8485 |
387 Constanța 44.183333 28.65 |
365 Egypt 31.1867046 30.059469 |
41 Alexandria 29.927661 31.2135 |
153 Bethlehem 35.195556 31.703056 |
94 Jerusalem 35.224998 31.7736 |
346 Palestine 35.222168 32.006184 |
84 Caesarea (Palestine) 34.892342 32.500818 |
300 Tyre 35.2 33.266667 |
98 Damascus 36.291944 33.513056 |
48 Medinet el Kedima 9.56154 33.903775 |
192 Mahares 10.49789 34.530331 |
361 Syria 36.7589005 34.7943216 |
299 Sousse 10.638889 35.824444 |
97 Madauros 7.815556 36.075556 |
268 El Kef 8.70439 36.16646 |
70 Antioch 36.183214 36.2225515 |
31 Thagaste 7.951111 36.286389 |
330 Ténès 1.304444 36.512222 |
270 Carthage 10.323056 36.853056 |
21 North Africa 5.8511393 36.8702281 |
168 Hippo 7.766667 36.9 |
81 Tarsus 34.893395 36.91465 |
189 Granada -3.605426 37.170398 |
390 Southeastern Iberia -3.5984 37.1775 |
128 Sevilla -5.986944 37.377222 |
303 Catania 15.0902 37.5 |
96 Córdoba -4.766667 37.883333 |
349 Amida/Diyarbakır 40.2334445 37.9122455 |
364 Athens 37.9908997 37.9908997 |
83 Afşin 36.916667 38.25 |
298 Lisbon -9.139444 38.713889 |
295 Caesarea (Anatolia) 35.483333 38.733333 |
32 Squillace 16.516667 38.783333 |
104 Amorium 31.289144 39.020439 |
86 Santarém -8.685291 39.237828 |
17 Toledo -4.033333 39.866667 |
87 Spain -3.716667 40.3 |
380 Thracian Chersonese 26.4666648 40.3499986 |
368 Thessaloniki 22.9110078 40.6211872 |
318 Amalfi 14.6025 40.635556 |
33 Salerno 14.766667 40.683333 |
297 Nicomedia 29.933333 40.766667 |
240 Apulia 17.101193 40.792839 |
178 Castel dell’Ovo 14.247798 40.828026 |
152 Naples 14.258333 40.845 |
113 Constantinople 28.955 41.013611 |
362 Capua 14.1960697 41.1042097 |
242 Bari 16.86665 41.12587 |
222 Benevento 14.78549 41.129959 |

Page total: 50