SpatialCoverage <QuerySet [<Stelle: Nam gens Saxonum illo in tempore fi...; (Vita Faronis ep. Meldensis I (860 - 870), p. 191) [142]>, <Stelle: Dehinc redeunt ad patriam maternam ...; (Vita Faronis ep. Meldensis I (860 - 870), p. 192) [144]>]> - Saxones, [wurzel: saxon]

Basic Information
Keyword Saxones, [wurzel: saxon]
Comment ###KOPIE### ###KOPIE###
Approximate localisation SRID=4326;POLYGON ((8.712158000000001 54.184941, 9.000548999999999 54.367759, 9.497681 54.495568, 9.975586 53.569676, 10.431519 53.247139, 10.722656 52.722986, 10.393066 51.385495, 7.443237 51.382067, 6.976318 51.675962, 7.767334 52.342052, 8.97583 53.881679, 8.712158000000001 54.184941))
Points and lines None
Degree of uncertainty 4
  • Nam gens Saxonum illo in tempore fi...; (Vita Faronis ep. Meldensis I (860 - 870), p. 191) [142]
  • Dehinc redeunt ad patriam maternam ...; (Vita Faronis ep. Meldensis I (860 - 870), p. 192) [144]