SpatialCoverage <QuerySet [<Stelle: Fuit autem idem aduersarius Hinguar...; (Vita Sancti Eadmundi regis Anglorum et martyris (985 - 987), Ch. 5 (ed. Winterbottom, pp. 71-2)) [4888]>]> - Dani, [wurzel: dan]
Passages |
Keyword | Dani, [wurzel: dan] |
Comment | Abbo locates the Danes vaguely as in the west of Scandinavia. This probably reflects the usage of English sources of the ninth and tenth centuries, which could identify people who probably came from what would later be Norway as 'Danes'. |
Approximate localisation | SRID=4326;POLYGON ((8.283690999999999 53.956086, 3.251953 61.48076, 7.910156 63.607217, 12.172852 60.565379, 10.129395 54.597528, 8.283690999999999 53.956086)) |
Points and lines | None |
Degree of uncertainty | 7 |
Passage |