SpatialCoverage <QuerySet [<Stelle: Loquela tamen ipsius manifestabat h...; (Commemoratorium de vita sancti Severini (511 - 511), Epist. 10, p.154) [100]>]> - Noricum, [wurzel: noric]

Basic Information
Keyword Noricum, [wurzel: noric]
Comment The late antique Noricum ripense consisted of the part along the Danube, with the border to Noricum mediterraneum probably being the main ridge of the Alps (Tauern). The exact borders are not entirely clear, e.g. the affiliation of the Murvalley.
Approximate localisation SRID=4326;POLYGON ((16.325684 48.297812, 16.094971 48.118434, 15.952148 47.809465, 15.828552 47.617273, 15.996094 47.535747, 15.847778 47.284819, 15.737915 47.109392, 15.531921 46.683363, 15.548401 46.454889, 15.416565 46.132267, 14.28772 46.401882, 13.631287 46.522966, 13.216553 46.547528, 13.189087 46.55886, 12.727661 46.634351, 12.411804 46.64378, 11.958618 46.611715, 11.769104 46.613601, 11.598816 46.549417, 11.445007 46.585294, 11.414795 46.702202, 11.321411 46.899616, 11.387329 47.090696, 11.25 47.268048, 11.530151 47.30531, 11.917419 47.463379, 12.148132 47.578379, 12.10144 47.76333, 12.120667 47.964181, 12.153625 48.081749, 12.337646 48.197218, 12.549133 48.253941, 13.013306 48.259427, 13.293457 48.350773, 13.463745 48.571155, 16.325684 48.297812))
Points and lines None
Degree of uncertainty 1
  • Loquela tamen ipsius manifestabat h...; (Commemoratorium de vita sancti Severini (511 - 511), Epist. 10, p.154) [100]