SpatialCoverage <QuerySet [<Stelle: Inter vero Tratiam vel Macedoniam e...; (Ravennatis anonymi cosmographia (601 - 800), Lib. 4, Par. 6 (p. 48-49)) [4943]>]> - Bulgari, [wurzel: Bulgar]
Passages |
Keyword | Bulgari, [wurzel: Bulgar] |
Comment | Bulgarians living in Thrace, Macedonia, and Moesia Inferior, after they migrated from Scythia maior. |
Approximate localisation | SRID=4326;POLYGON ((21.243164 40.859525, 24.297363 41.701627, 25.791504 41.422134, 27.791015 43.973052, 26.978027 44.115198, 26.187011 44.020472, 25.59375 43.640051, 22.78125 43.846413, 21.46289 42.273244, 21.243164 40.859525)) |
Points and lines | None |
Degree of uncertainty | 5 |
Passage |