SpatialCoverage <QuerySet [<Stelle: Praeterea Athanaricus, rex Gothorum...; (Historiarum adversum paganos libri VII (417 - 418), Vol. 3, Lib. 7, Cap. 32, Par. 9-13 (lin. 1)) [2221]>]> - Burgundii, [wurzel: burgund]

Basic Information
Keyword Burgundii, [wurzel: burgund]
Approximate localisation SRID=4326;POLYGON ((6.586304 51.310013, 7.058716 51.323747, 8.717651 50.401515, 9.244994999999999 49.61071, 8.519897 48.806863, 7.816772 48.922499, 7.904663 49.767074, 6.520386 50.701677, 6.2677 51.131108, 6.586304 51.310013))
Points and lines None
Degree of uncertainty 8
  • Praeterea Athanaricus, rex Gothorum...; (Historiarum adversum paganos libri VII (417 - 418), Vol. 3, Lib. 7, Cap. 32, Par. 9-13 (lin. 1)) [2221]