SpatialCoverage <QuerySet [<Stelle: Feletheus, Rugorum rex, qui et Feua...; (Commemoratorium de vita sancti Severini (511 - 511), Chapter 31.) [5543]>]> - Rugi, [wurzel: Rug]

Basic Information
Keyword Rugi, [wurzel: Rug]
Comment Favianis = the modern town of Mautern in lower Austria, the point of reference for the Rugian kingdom on the North side of the Danube.
Approximate localisation SRID=4326;POLYGON ((15.612946 48.407326, 15.659637 48.394562, 15.676117 48.391826, 15.726929 48.385442, 15.783234 48.375409, 15.857391 48.383618, 15.91095 48.351686, 16.037292 48.339821, 16.052399 48.340733, 16.070251 48.556614, 15.877991 48.613846, 15.641785 48.611122, 15.496216 48.613846, 15.335541 48.572064, 15.199585 48.461995, 15.114441 48.362636, 15.117188 48.246626, 15.148773 48.214608, 15.209198 48.215523, 15.302582 48.223758, 15.365753 48.25577, 15.404205 48.295072, 15.408325 48.345297, 15.420685 48.362636, 15.449524 48.374497, 15.47699 48.407326, 15.501709 48.409149, 15.520935 48.396385, 15.530548 48.390002, 15.57312 48.396385, 15.612946 48.407326))
Points and lines SRID=4326;GEOMETRYCOLLECTION (POINT (15.57489871761849 48.39479495107653))
Degree of uncertainty 4
  • Feletheus, Rugorum rex, qui et Feua...; (Commemoratorium de vita sancti Severini (511 - 511), Chapter 31.) [5543]