SpatialCoverage <QuerySet [<Stelle: Denique Lupo hoc modo ut praemisimu...; (Historia Langobardorum (790 - 799), Lib. V, Cap. 22, p. 194) [4988]>]> - Carantanum, [wurzel: ]

Basic Information
Keyword Carantanum, [wurzel: ]
Comment "Carnuntum, what they corruptely call Carantanum" This was probably a mix-up in Paulus Diaconus or, alternatively, a conscious choice of words in order to give the slavic realm of the Carantani a roman heritage.
Approximate localisation SRID=4326;POLYGON ((14.431915 46.912751, 14.599457 46.818858, 14.750519 46.777493, 14.876862 46.670172, 14.824677 46.562637, 14.497833 46.490829, 14.025421 46.509735, 13.72879 46.526745, 13.605194 46.545639, 12.940521 46.613601, 12.871857 46.711619, 12.929535 46.816978, 13.220673 46.839528, 13.341522 46.925883, 13.563995 46.8846, 13.797455 46.732331, 14.160004 46.785016, 14.431915 46.912751))
Points and lines None
Degree of uncertainty 5
  • Denique Lupo hoc modo ut praemisimu...; (Historia Langobardorum (790 - 799), Lib. V, Cap. 22, p. 194) [4988]