SpatialCoverage <QuerySet [<Stelle: ἐλϑόντι δὲ τῷ Χαγάνῳ πϱὸς τὴν ὄχϑαν...; (Chronographia (Theophanes), AM 6090 (597/98) (pp. 276.33-277.12)) [5477]>]> - Bulgari, [wurzel: Bulgar]

Basic Information
Keyword Bulgari, [wurzel: Bulgar]
Comment The Bulgars hold Singidunum before being ousted by the Romans under Priscus.
Approximate localisation SRID=4326;POLYGON ((20.447273 44.828409, 20.450157 44.82987, 20.452492 44.830455, 20.457985 44.83065, 20.462929 44.827241, 20.462654 44.821786, 20.461418 44.817403, 20.454414 44.817208, 20.448921 44.818669, 20.446587 44.821591, 20.4459 44.826072, 20.447273 44.828409))
Points and lines None
Degree of uncertainty 2
  • ἐλϑόντι δὲ τῷ Χαγάνῳ πϱὸς τὴν ὄχϑαν...; (Chronographia (Theophanes), AM 6090 (597/98) (pp. 276.33-277.12)) [5477]