SpatialCoverage <QuerySet [<Stelle: ὁ μὲν οὖν τῶν Τούϱϰων Χαγάνος τὸν ἐ...; (Theophylacti Simocattae Historiarum libri octo (630 - 640), 7.9 (pp. 260-262)) [5053]>]> - Taugast, [wurzel: ]

Basic Information
Keyword Taugast, [wurzel: ]
Comment Taugast, derived from the name of the Tuoba, is used as a name for the whole of China.
Approximate localisation SRID=4326;POLYGON ((106.681637 21.076299, 108.439449 20.945025, 109.001946 20.48466, 108.439449 19.692246, 108.861323 18.696205, 109.142574 18.62959, 103.939448 21.991952, 102.111324 24.190858, 100.705074 26.918155, 99.22851300000001 29.029273, 98.033197 32.827905, 98.103509 36.696614, 99.369136 38.148382, 101.619134 39.245868, 105.556638 40.540523, 108.158198 43.056046, 110.689447 44.427505, 114.837886 44.777938, 120.392574 45.274888, 121.587885 46.352996, 123.837883 46.304444, 127.212885 43.363531, 128.548829 40.860357, 128.970697 38.863666, 129.041014 36.073969, 127.634764 34.582572, 126.158197 34.234515, 125.10351 35.560833, 124.611324 38.479397, 123.205074 39.463342, 118.775395 39.720707, 118.705079 37.968453, 121.869152 36.963939, 121.09571 34.857088, 121.798835 32.931241, 123.222659 29.947314, 123.011719 28.22697, 114.433596 22.236224, 112.535156 21.845183, 110.707032 19.675692, 108.175783 21.453069, 109.089848 20.072439, 109.089848 19.078727, 108.386723 19.47695, 106.681637 21.076299))
Points and lines None
Degree of uncertainty 4
  • ὁ μὲν οὖν τῶν Τούϱϰων Χαγάνος τὸν ἐ...; (Theophylacti Simocattae Historiarum libri octo (630 - 640), 7.9 (pp. 260-262)) [5053]