SpatialCoverage <QuerySet [<Stelle: Περὶ Ἀβάρων, ὡς πολλὰ περινοστήσαντ...; (Historia (continuation of Agathias) (557 - 582), Fr. 5.1 (pp. 48-49)) [5029]>]> - Alani, [wurzel: Alan]
Passages |
Keyword | Alani, [wurzel: Alan] |
Approximate localisation | SRID=4326;POLYGON ((39.884766 44.699898, 39.726563 45.22229, 39.867188 45.574062, 41.036133 45.825737, 41.791993 46.027482, 42.793946 46.137215, 43.954102 45.678552, 44.771485 45.178939, 45.175782 44.405531, 45.580078 43.628123, 44.516603 43.513501, 43.927735 43.449728, 43.066407 43.659924, 42.108399 43.780613, 40.877931 44.027581, 40.174806 44.304982, 39.884766 44.699898)) |
Points and lines | None |
Degree of uncertainty | 5 |
Passage |