SpatialCoverage <QuerySet [<Stelle: οἱ δὲ Χάζαϱεις διαϱϱήξαντες τὰς Κασ...; (Chronographia (Theophanes) (810 - 814), AM 6117 (625/26) (pp. 315.26-316.16)) [5484]>]> - Persae, [wurzel: Pers]

Basic Information
Keyword Persae, [wurzel: Pers]
Comment Tiphilios can be identified with Tiflis
Approximate localisation SRID=4326;POLYGON ((44.773132 41.764142, 44.761047 41.751849, 44.718201 41.746931, 44.694031 41.717415, 44.697327 41.686246, 44.713806 41.652598, 44.804993 41.644389, 44.865418 41.662448, 44.892883 41.669834, 44.898377 41.725615, 44.892883 41.74939, 44.843445 41.773975, 44.773132 41.764142))
Points and lines None
Degree of uncertainty 4
  • οἱ δὲ Χάζαϱεις διαϱϱήξαντες τὰς Κασ...; (Chronographia (Theophanes) (810 - 814), AM 6117 (625/26) (pp. 315.26-316.16)) [5484]