SpatialCoverage <QuerySet [<Stelle: Et ecce congreditur cum Saracenis, ...; (Chronica Sancti Benedicti Casinensis (901 - 1000), 4, p. 471, ll. 15-19) [5555]>]> - Sarraceni, [wurzel: sarracen]

Basic Information
Keyword Sarraceni, [wurzel: sarracen]
Approximate localisation SRID=4326;POLYGON ((16.580292 41.178408, 16.603363 41.095666, 16.640717 41.060055, 16.753876 41.02028, 16.91098 41.016136, 17.025238 41.047628, 17.066986 41.080762, 17.043915 41.126293, 16.873627 41.187504, 16.657196 41.202384, 16.580292 41.178408))
Points and lines None
Degree of uncertainty 4
  • Et ecce congreditur cum Saracenis, ...; (Chronica Sancti Benedicti Casinensis (901 - 1000), 4, p. 471, ll. 15-19) [5555]