SpatialCoverage <QuerySet [<Stelle: Sicque egressus, per Spoletium vers...; (Annales Bertiniani (862 - 882), a. 871, p. 118) [5571]>]> - Spoleti (Spoleto), [wurzel: Spolet*]

Basic Information
Keyword Spoleti (Spoleto), [wurzel: Spolet*]
Approximate localisation SRID=4326;POLYGON ((13.62854 43.473652, 13.685669 43.397065, 13.707642 43.275606, 13.782349 43.166725, 13.848267 43.057651, 13.892212 42.838918, 14.050415 42.5814, 14.151489 42.500453, 14.204224 42.477769, 14.195435 42.406424, 14.160279 42.328499, 13.971314 42.253731, 13.931763 42.227704, 13.922974 42.113709, 13.997681 42.022365, 14.063599 41.973377, 14.116333 41.911271, 14.131439 41.857288, 14.109467 41.844194, 14.075409 41.803259, 14.064423 41.786059, 14.051376 41.748878, 14.034897 41.739451, 14.00798 41.716903, 13.987656 41.700089, 13.921326 41.686246, 13.903198 41.67722, 13.884522 41.670655, 13.862549 41.656292, 13.721512 41.706856, 13.708878 41.722028, 13.692947 41.733097, 13.641861 41.758508, 13.428589 41.861379, 13.252808 41.898188, 13.195679 41.925168, 13.168213 41.947235, 12.88504 42.029506, 12.835602 42.080897, 12.816925 42.10454, 12.798248 42.11432, 12.746613 42.166457, 12.758698 42.191696, 12.746613 42.217738, 12.681793 42.36727, 12.657623 42.411088, 12.637848 42.484049, 12.619171 42.545594, 12.598297 42.571489, 12.574127 42.620823, 12.548859 42.656384, 12.525787 42.696769, 12.511231 42.747012, 12.445313 42.937122, 12.454102 42.978932, 12.465088 43.004647, 12.482666 43.060861, 12.489258 43.089751, 12.557373 43.219388, 12.549683 43.252205, 12.554077 43.280205, 12.558472 43.295399, 12.57605 43.317784, 12.671631 43.37451, 12.68811 43.395269, 12.708985 43.411233, 12.908387 43.513502, 12.912781 43.535806, 12.980896 43.548548, 13.016053 43.521469, 13.13031 43.519875, 13.183045 43.537399, 13.301697 43.519875, 13.391785 43.538992, 13.547791 43.515095, 13.591736 43.505534, 13.62854 43.473652))
Points and lines None
Degree of uncertainty 5
  • Sicque egressus, per Spoletium vers...; (Annales Bertiniani (862 - 882), a. 871, p. 118) [5571]