SpatialCoverage <QuerySet [<Stelle: οἱ Οὖννοι τὸ γένος τὸ μὲν παλαιὸν κ...; (Historiae (565 - 580), Ε.11.2-7 (pp. 176-177)) [5337]>]> - Kutriguri, [wurzel: Kotrig]

Basic Information
Keyword Kutriguri, [wurzel: Kotrig]
Approximate localisation SRID=4326;POLYGON ((26.812134 40.657722, 26.870361 40.658556, 27.053833 40.639384, 27.103272 40.614369, 27.042847 40.596019, 27.008789 40.570988, 26.989014 40.558469, 26.960449 40.550122, 26.905518 40.535929, 26.853882 40.512546, 26.809937 40.489991, 26.74292 40.470771, 26.701172 40.445693, 26.696777 40.430642, 26.677002 40.413914, 26.647339 40.399693, 26.629761 40.385468, 26.620972 40.356173, 26.59021 40.332727, 26.58252 40.318488, 26.499023 40.279107, 26.497925 40.265695, 26.459473 40.242218, 26.435303 40.232993, 26.412231 40.221249, 26.388062 40.210343, 26.370483 40.206148, 26.362793 40.193561, 26.373779 40.165861, 26.386963 40.151588, 26.361694 40.133111, 26.343018 40.11799, 26.323242 40.089419, 26.238647 40.059995, 26.214478 40.048222, 26.189209 40.044858, 26.159546 40.05495, 26.181519 40.083535, 26.213379 40.109588, 26.232056 40.144869, 26.254028 40.180972, 26.270508 40.201953, 26.281494 40.248926, 26.247437 40.278268, 26.229858 40.294192, 26.237549 40.309273, 26.218872 40.323514, 26.245239 40.336914, 26.303467 40.348637, 26.314453 40.364544, 26.354004 40.376262, 26.395752 40.413914, 26.430908 40.43984, 26.468262 40.444021, 26.546265 40.467428, 26.584717 40.494168, 26.658325 40.516722, 26.683594 40.514217, 26.708862 40.524239, 26.722046 40.542609, 26.740723 40.552626, 26.757202 40.547618, 26.807739 40.56765, 26.836304 40.591014, 26.812134 40.657722))
Points and lines None
Degree of uncertainty 2
  • οἱ Οὖννοι τὸ γένος τὸ μὲν παλαιὸν κ...; (Historiae (565 - 580), Ε.11.2-7 (pp. 176-177)) [5337]