SpatialCoverage <QuerySet [<Stelle: Inter Gundericum Vandolorum et Herm...; (Continuatio Chronicorum Hieronymianorum (458 - 469), Hydatius, Chronicle a. 419, ed. and trans. Burgess, p. 86-7) [5760]>]> - Suebi, [wurzel: Sue*]

Basic Information
Keyword Suebi, [wurzel: Sue*]
Comment Location of the Erbasian Mountains is uncertain.
Approximate localisation SRID=4326;POLYGON ((-6.730499 42.635979, -6.660461 42.691521, -6.586304 42.711705, -6.516266 42.703632, -6.453094 42.662241, -6.427002 42.617791, -6.432495 42.561173, -6.451721 42.521712, -6.4888 42.492353, -6.532745 42.468045, -6.575317 42.468045, -6.661835 42.478174, -6.716766 42.50754, -6.751099 42.53588, -6.777191 42.571287, -6.730499 42.635979))
Points and lines None
Degree of uncertainty 9
  • Inter Gundericum Vandolorum et Herm...; (Continuatio Chronicorum Hieronymianorum (458 - 469), Hydatius, Chronicle a. 419, ed. and trans. Burgess, p. 86-7) [5760]