SpatialCoverage <QuerySet [<Stelle: Quid uero? Statim, uixdum misero il...; (Panegyric of Maximian (289 - 289), Mamertini (?) Panegyricus Maximiano Augusto dictus, cap.: 5, par.: 1, pag.: 524) [4905]>, <Stelle: Ita cuncti Chaibones Erulique cunct...; (Panegyric of Maximian (289 - 289), Mamertini (?) Panegyricus Maximiano Augusto dictus, cap.: 5, par.: 4, pag.: 526) [4906]>, <Stelle: Istic Saxona caerulum videmus assu...; (Sidonius to His Friend Lampridius (Letters 8.9) (476 - 477), Epistulae 8.9.21–35.) [4915]>]> - Heruli, [wurzel: Herul]
Passages |
Keyword | Heruli, [wurzel: Herul] |
Comment | Geographically rather vague references to the Heruli being a manace to Roman Gaul and a description of their homeland that seems to hint at the Low Countries. |
Approximate localisation | SRID=4326;POLYGON ((5.664551 53.676104, 7.158691 53.715132, 7.795898 52.755135, 7.620117 51.990519, 6.411621 51.07477, 6.873047 50.239008, 6.082031 49.630876, 4.697754 50.323254, 3.313476 51.033334, 3.687011 52.300642, 4.543945 53.362573, 5.664551 53.676104)) |
Points and lines | None |
Degree of uncertainty | 1 |
Passage |