SpatialCoverage <QuerySet [<Stelle: Et ingredieris terram Gog pede plan...; (Chronica Prophetica (883 - 900), Chroniques Asturiennes (fin ix° siécle), 1987 (Bonnaz, ed.), Cap. 1 (p. 2)) [5604]>]> - Libya, [wurzel: Liby]

Basic Information
Keyword Libya, [wurzel: Liby]
Approximate localisation SRID=4326;POLYGON ((32.211914 31.427491, 30.146484 31.539919, 29.135742 30.787857, 25.3125 31.652212, 24.038086 32.323115, 21.665039 33.356915, 19.6875 31.950997, 19.248047 30.14394, 15.556641 31.652212, 15.117188 32.65672, 11.601563 33.283472, 9.931641000000001 34.269701, 10.986328 35.781057, 11.118164 37.403983, 8.745117 37.543488, 5.185547 36.772992, 1.450195 36.702559, -0.834961 35.709723, -4.833984 35.458433, -6.591797 36.029111, -7.382813 34.232242, -9.316406000000001 32.91418, -9.580078 29.838261, -13.359375 27.991976, -15.380859 24.685705, -10.678711 25.600664, 22.236328 27.876714, 30.673828 27.64339, 32.607422 30.067905, 32.211914 31.427491))
Points and lines None
Degree of uncertainty 7
  • Et ingredieris terram Gog pede plan...; (Chronica Prophetica (883 - 900), Chroniques Asturiennes (fin ix° siécle), 1987 (Bonnaz, ed.), Cap. 1 (p. 2)) [5604]