SpatialCoverage <QuerySet [<Stelle: …Tunc Abdirrahaman supra fatum Eudo...; (Chronica Anni 754 Vel Chronica Muzarabica (754 - 2020), Chroniques Anni 754, 2018 (Gil, ed.), §65 (pp. 366-67)) [5721]>]> - Austrasia, [wurzel: austrasi]

Basic Information
Keyword Austrasia, [wurzel: austrasi]
Approximate localisation SRID=4326;POLYGON ((6.624756 53.074021, 7.294922 53.172913, 7.844238 52.93519, 7.855225 52.529381, 7.646484 51.916956, 7.283936 51.821986, 6.888428 51.808402, 6.811523 51.535872, 7.174072 51.2617, 7.613525 51.17224, 8.294677999999999 51.323532, 8.712158000000001 51.241286, 9.206543 51.227528, 9.591063999999999 51.103522, 10.118408 51.241071, 10.206299 50.889174, 10.953369 50.770991, 11.217041 50.394293, 10.744629 50.155566, 10.162354 50.078074, 9.635009999999999 50.035753, 9.316406000000001 49.830675, 8.679199000000001 49.624723, 7.987061 49.260411, 7.536621 48.958355, 7.207031 48.443551, 6.932373 48.070509, 6.405029 48.063167, 5.943604 48.23908, 6.064453 48.618158, 5.515137 48.697986, 5.317383 49.037643, 5.141602 49.510721, 5.009766 49.759756, 4.284668 49.958068, 3.856201 50.197781, 3.076172 50.246985, 2.526855 50.310173, 1.790771 50.25401, 1.5271 50.268057, 1.472168 50.576042, 1.5271 50.840419, 1.955566 51.02736, 2.48291 51.096407, 3.087158 51.316666, 3.548584 51.398991, 4.141846 51.323532, 4.570313 51.460639, 5.031738 51.828776, 5.361328 52.086046, 5.910645 52.234318, 6.119385 52.549427, 6.37207 52.855657, 6.624756 53.074021))
Points and lines None
Degree of uncertainty 9
  • …Tunc Abdirrahaman supra fatum Eudo...; (Chronica Anni 754 Vel Chronica Muzarabica (754 - 2020), Chroniques Anni 754, 2018 (Gil, ed.), §65 (pp. 366-67)) [5721]