SpatialCoverage <QuerySet [<Stelle: Et quia nuntiabatur Godofridum rege...; (Annales regni Francorum (787 - 829), a. 808 (125-6)) [5893]>]> - Wilzi, [wurzel: Wilz]

Basic Information
Keyword Wilzi, [wurzel: Wilz]
Approximate localisation SRID=4326;POLYGON ((12.095947 54.265224, 11.678467 53.014783, 14.293213 52.855864, 14.886475 54.072283, 13.480225 54.800685, 12.557373 54.622978, 12.095947 54.265224))
Points and lines None
Degree of uncertainty 6
  • Et quia nuntiabatur Godofridum rege...; (Annales regni Francorum (787 - 829), a. 808 (125-6)) [5893]