SpatialCoverage <QuerySet [<Stelle: (11) Nunc iusto dei iudicio in nost...; (Letter about the Hungarians (900 - 923), Letter about the Hungarians 11-12, ed. Diesenberger, p. 56-57) [5921]>]> - Hungri, [wurzel: Hungr]

Basic Information
Keyword Hungri, [wurzel: Hungr]
Approximate localisation SRID=4326;POLYGON ((8.898925999999999 54.284469, 9.920654000000001 54.495568, 10.480957 54.367759, 10.294189 53.592505, 11.777344 53.014783, 12.079468 52.865814, 12.054749 52.62306, 12.016296 52.385658, 11.749878 52.172247, 11.747131 52.170563, 12.027283 51.961192, 12.106934 51.2, 11.895447 50.788575, 10.964355 50.25423, 12.22229 49.280348, 12.296448 49.106242, 12.312927 49.099049, 12.983093 48.884586, 14.304199 48.429201, 16.292725 48.429201, 16.292725 48.429201, 16.847534 48.476563, 17.484741 48.144098, 17.336426 47.249407, 15.270996 45.56791, 13.776855 45.660127, 12.634277 46.103709, 11.557617 46.362093, 10.041504 46.679594, 9.003296000000001 46.93151, 8.173828 48.004625, 8.283690999999999 49.023461, 8.009033000000001 50.110011, 7.833252 50.916887, 7.844238 50.916887, 6.965332 53.067627, 8.898925999999999 54.284469))
Points and lines None
Degree of uncertainty 5
  • (11) Nunc iusto dei iudicio in nost...; (Letter about the Hungarians (900 - 923), Letter about the Hungarians 11-12, ed. Diesenberger, p. 56-57) [5921]