SpatialCoverage <QuerySet [<Stelle: Et construxerunt praedicti Longobar...; (Liber pontificalis ecclesiae Ravennatis (830 - 846), Cap. 95 (p.260)) [856]>]> - Pannonia, [wurzel: Pannoni]

Basic Information
Keyword Pannonia, [wurzel: Pannoni]
Comment ###KOPIE### Pannonia as synonym for realm of the Avars: in many accounts this Pannonia seems to be shaped according to the later Roman province Pannonia. The borders of this Pannonia are therefore drawn along/near the borders of the Roman province Pannonia. However, especially in the south-western fringes of the former Roman province, new place names had developed and what is today Slovenia was not associated with Pannonia anymore, but more with the name Carniola (Krain/Kranjska). ###KOPIE###
Approximate localisation SRID=4326;POLYGON ((17.464142 47.952225, 17.135925 48.134017, 16.972504 48.177991, 16.836548 48.133101, 16.583862 48.127601, 16.284485 48.353511, 16.170502 48.092757, 16.100464 47.730087, 16.152649 47.45688, 16.130676 47.292271, 16.116943 47.092566, 15.965881 46.890232, 15.974121 46.656977, 15.957642 46.432651, 15.962448 46.353563, 14.611816 46.166517, 14.534912 45.775186, 15.704956 45.556372, 17.149658 44.929808, 19.671021 44.688183, 20.791626 44.762337, 20.55542 45.034715, 18.967209 45.535694, 19.005661 45.630845, 18.880005 45.888096, 18.720703 46.000778, 18.977509 46.215951, 18.955536 46.434071, 18.952103 46.592372, 19.03862 46.693725, 18.969955 46.907122, 19.009781 47.111729, 18.960342 47.189712, 19.142303 47.410432, 19.186249 47.779021, 19.065399 47.832518, 18.770142 47.834362, 18.617706 47.778098, 18.278503 47.751328, 17.763519 47.76333, 17.464142 47.952225))
Points and lines None
Degree of uncertainty 3
  • Et construxerunt praedicti Longobar...; (Liber pontificalis ecclesiae Ravennatis (830 - 846), Cap. 95 (p.260)) [856]