SpatialCoverage <QuerySet [<Stelle: Maximum omnium quae ab illo gesta s...; (Vita Karoli Magni (814 - 830), Einhard Vita Karoli, c. 13, MGH SS 2, p. 449) [5105]>]> - Forumiuli, [wurzel: ]

Basic Information
Keyword Forumiuli, [wurzel: ]
Comment Early medieval Friuli was a duchy with the principal town being Cividale - the name derives from the Roman name ov the city, Forum Iulii. (defintion and extension after Krahwinkler, Friaul im Frühmittelalter p. 11-12). (see also Paulus Diaconus/Historia Langobardorum)
Approximate localisation SRID=4326;POLYGON ((12.476349 45.799127, 12.378845 45.945421, 12.315674 45.95115, 12.249756 45.999824, 12.23877 46.033203, 12.182465 46.068467, 12.144012 46.107517, 12.090797 46.151773, 12.136116 46.304964, 12.395325 46.55886, 12.511711 46.637415, 12.753754 46.617846, 12.834091 46.59709, 12.895203 46.590013, 12.96936 46.575855, 13.027725 46.561693, 13.557129 46.509735, 13.598328 46.421766, 13.457909 46.322275, 13.463745 46.256796, 13.568115 46.144637, 13.551636 46.011747, 13.498077 45.925841, 13.61515 45.76872, 13.545456 45.780933, 13.553352 45.722001, 13.431473 45.675002, 13.246765 45.70522, 13.164368 45.702343, 13.101196 45.639968, 12.888336 45.600587, 12.720795 45.533289, 12.696075 45.588095, 12.657623 45.640928, 12.573853 45.698507, 12.476349 45.799127))
Points and lines SRID=4326;GEOMETRYCOLLECTION (POINT (13.43295097164023 46.09321783564231))
Degree of uncertainty 5
  • Maximum omnium quae ab illo gesta s...; (Vita Karoli Magni (814 - 830), Einhard Vita Karoli, c. 13, MGH SS 2, p. 449) [5105]