SpatialCoverage <QuerySet [<Stelle: ...; (Chronicle of Pseudo-Zacharias Rhetor (575 - 600), 12.7.i-xii Greatrex (2011) (pp. 446-451)) [4968]>]> - Sabiri, [wurzel: sabir]

Basic Information
Keyword Sabiri, [wurzel: sabir]
Comment A list of 13 nomadic peoples, all dwelling north of the Kaukasus, between Caspian Sea and north of the Black Sea: There are the Onogur, a tent-dwelling people; the Ogur [people], the Sabir, the Burgar, the Korthrigor, the Avar, the Khasir, the Dirmar, the Sarurgur, the Bagarsik, the Khulas, the Abdel, the Ephthalite: these thirteen nations are tent-dwellers, living on the meat of cattle, fish, and wild animals and by weapons.
Approximate localisation SRID=4326;POLYGON ((45.804199 44.374128, 45.786621 43.907391, 46.023926 43.360333, 46.384278 42.930687, 47.034668 42.60162, 47.518067 42.627492, 47.535645 42.924252, 47.359863 43.634485, 47.254394 44.078115, 46.867676 44.474559, 46.067871 44.543505, 45.804199 44.374128))
Points and lines None
Degree of uncertainty 5
  • ...; (Chronicle of Pseudo-Zacharias Rhetor (575 - 600), 12.7.i-xii Greatrex (2011) (pp. 446-451)) [4968]