Balasagan is a country with its own language that extends and reaches the Caspian Gates and the sea, [that is] those [Gates and sea] of the territory of the Huns. They [are situated] next to them and extend as far as them [the Huns]. Beyond these same gates are the Burgar, a pagan and barbarian people with their own language, and they have cities. There are the Alans, who have five cities. There are the people of the region of Dadu, who live in the mountains and have fortresses.
Approximate localisation
SRID=4326;POLYGON ((37.55127 44.918139, 43.681641 43.484812, 45.065918 45.552525, 44.626465 47.26432, 41.396484 47.739323, 39.375 47.23449, 37.770996 46.528635, 37.55127 44.918139))