Stelle Hic Constantinopolim praeteriens, d...; (Annales Augustani (973 - 1104), a. 1101 (p. 135, lin. 37)) [1434]

Basic Information
ID 1434
Text Annales Augustani (973 - 1104) Anonymous - Annals
Quotation Hic Constantinopolim praeteriens, dum cum conviatoribus suis multitudine non modica collecta veniret in Romaniam, barbaris ex improviso irruentibus ipse sociique eatenus inauditam perpessi sunt miseriam, partim venenatis barbarorum sagittis interempti, partim fame sitique consumpti, partim variis cladibus afflicti; ipse omni spe destitutus navem ascendens, moribundus Ierosolimam adiit, indeque properans ad insulam Cyprum, Paphum venit, ibique moritur et sepelitur.
Translation Passing Constantinople, he [Welf] came into Romania with a not small multitude of fellow travellers. Suddenly there was an attack of the Barbarians and he and his companions were struck by misery to such a great extent, as some of them were killed by the poisoned arrows of the barbarians, some were consumed by hunger and thirst, others cut down in various slaughters; he himself, destitute of all hope, climbed into a ship and went to Jerusalem prepared for death. From there he reached the isle of Cyprus, and came to Paphus, and there he died and is buried. (Trans. Laura Gazzoli)
Quotation source a. 1101 (p. 135, lin. 37)
Temporal Coverage 1101 - 1101
Associated use case(s)
Comment This passage records the death of Welf IV, Duke of Bavaria, on his return from the first Crusade in 1101.