Stelle Si Alamannos Persas Scythas idcirco...; (Adversus nationes (304 - 310), Lib. 1, Cap. 16 (p. 14, lin. 11)) [1822]

Basic Information
ID 1822
Text Adversus nationes (304 - 310) Arnobius the Elder
Quotation Si Alamannos Persas Scythas idcirco voluerunt devinci, quod habitarent et degerent in eorum gentibus Christiani, quemadmodum Romanis tribuere victoriam, cum habitarent et degerent in eorum quoque gentibus Christiani? Si in Asia, Syria idcirco mures et locustas effervescere prodigialiter voluerunt, quod ratione consimili habitarent in eorum gentibus Christiani: in Hispania, Gallia cur eodem tempore horum nihil natum est, cum innumeri viverent in his quoque provinciis Christiani? Si apud Gaetulos, tum Aquitanos huius rei causa siccitatem satis ariditatemque miserunt, eo anno cur messes amplissimas Mauris Nomadibusque tribuerunt, cum religio similis his quoque in regionibus verteretur?
Translation If they willed the Alamanni, the Persians, and the Scythians be subdued cause Christians lived and dwelt among those peoples, did it happen that they granted victory to the Romans when Christians lived and dwelt among those peoples also? If they decreed mice and locusts to swarm forth in hog numbers in Asia and Syria because here, too, Christians dwelt those peoples, why was it that at the same fine among nothing similar took place in Spain or Gaul, since innumerable Christians lived in these same provinces also? (Trans. McCracken, Vol 1, p. 70)
Quotation source Lib. 1, Cap. 16 (p. 14, lin. 11)
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