Stelle quae proelia commissa sunt, quid sa...; (De civitate Dei (413 - 427), Lib. 3, Cap. 26 (lin. 11)) [1830]

Basic Information
ID 1830
Text De civitate Dei (413 - 427) Augustine of Hippo
Quotation quae proelia commissa sunt, quid sanguinis fusum, ut omnes fere italae gentes, quibus romanum maxime praepollebat imperium, tamquam saeua barbaries domarentur! iam ex paucissimis, hoc est minus quam septuaginta, gladiatoribus quem ad modum bellum seruile contractum sit, ad quantum numerum et quam acrem ferocemque peruenerit, quos ille numerus imperatores populi romani superauerit, quas et quo modo ciuitates regionesque uastauerit, uix qui historiam conscripserunt satis explicare potuerunt.
Translation What battles were fought during the Servile War! What blood was shed: and only so that almost all the peoples of Italy, upon whom Rome’s dominion so largely depended for its strength, should be conquered like savage barbarians! The writers of history have hardly found a satisfactory explanation of how a conflict begun by so tiny a number – that is, by fewer than seventy gladiators – came to expand into the Servile War by the addition of so great a number of fierce and cruel men: men who then defeated many generals of the Roman people and laid waste cities and whole regions. (Trans. Dyson)
Quotation source Lib. 3, Cap. 26 (lin. 11)
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