Stelle aut uero aliquid nocuerunt romani g...; (De civitate Dei (413 - 427), Lib. 5, Cap. 17 (lin. 4)) [1833]

Basic Information
ID 1833
Text De civitate Dei (413 - 427) Augustine of Hippo
Quotation aut uero aliquid nocuerunt romani gentibus, quibus subiugatis inposuerunt leges suas, nisi quia id factum est ingenti strage bellorum? quod si concorditer fieret, id ipsum fieret meliore successu; sed nulla esset gloria triumphantium. neque enim et romani non uiuebant sub legibus suis, quas ceteris inponebant.
Translation Apart from the great slaughter involved in the wars by which they accomplished it, did the Romans do any harm to those nations upon whom, when they had subdued them, they imposed their laws? This would indeed have been accomplished more successfully had it been done by agreement; but, in that case, there would have been no glory of conquest. For the Romans themselves did not live exempt from the laws which they imposed upon others. (Trans. Dyson)
Quotation source Lib. 5, Cap. 17 (lin. 4)
Associated use case(s)