Stelle Sicut adfirmant se vidisse annis si...; ( Epistolae (Bonifatius et Lullus) (700 - 754), Epist. 50 (p. 84, lin. 22)) [1897]

Basic Information
ID 1897
Text Epistolae (Bonifatius et Lullus) (700 - 754) Boniface Lull
Quotation Sicut adfirmant se vidisse annis singulis in Romana urbe et iuxta aecclesiam sancti Petri in die vel nocte, quando Kalende Ianuarii intrant, paganorum consuetudine chorus ducere per plateas et adclamationes ritu gentilium et cantationes sacrilegas celebrare et mensas illa die vel nocte dapibus onerare et nullum de domo sua vel ignem vel ferramentum vel aliquid commodi vicino suo prestare velle. Dicunt quoque se vidisse ibi mulieres pagano ritu filacteria et ligaturas et in brachiis et cruris ligatas habere et publice ad vendendum venales ad conparandum aliis offerre. Quae omnia, eo quod ibi a carnalibus et insipientibus videntur, nobis hic inproperium et inpedimentum predicationis et doctrinae perficiunt.
Translation They say that on the first day of January year after year, in the city of Rome and in the neighborhood of St Peter’s church by day or night, they have seen bands of singers parading the streets in pagan fashion, shouting and chanting sacri- legious songs and loading tables with food day and night, while no one in his own house is willing to lend his neighbor fire or tools or any other convenience. They say also that they have seen there women with amulets and bracelets of heathen fashion on their arms and legs, offering them for sale to willing buyers. All these things, seen by evil-minded and ignorant people, are a cause of reproach to us and a hindrance to our preaching and teaching. (Trans. Emerton, pp. 81-2)
Summary Boniface complains to the Pope that pagan-like practices in Rome hinder the mission to the pagans.
Quotation source Epist. 50 (p. 84, lin. 22)
Temporal Coverage 742 - 742
Associated use case(s)