Keywords |
ID |
1899 |
Text |
Epistolae (Bonifatius et Lullus) (700 - 754) Boniface Lull |
Quotation |
Cupio enim vestris orationibus commitante gratia Dei in familiaritate Romanae aecclesiae et vestro servitio inter Germanicas gentes, ad quas missus fui, perseverare et precepto vestro
obedire, sicut scriptum est: "Iudicium patris audite, filii dilecti, et sic facite, ut salvi sitis"; et alibi: "Qui honorat patrem suum, vita vivit longiore"; et iterum: "Honora patrem tuum, ut superveniat tibi
benedictio a Domino, et benedictio patris firmat domus filiorum" |
Translation |
It is my desire, upheld by your prayers
and led by God’s grace, to continue my close relations with you,
to remain in your service among the German people to whom I
was sent, and to follow your directions, as it is written: 'Beloved
sons, hear the judgments of your father, and so do that you may
be saved.' And elsewhere: 'He who honors his father lengthens
his life.' And again: 'Honor thy father, that blessing from God
may be upon you, and the blessing of the father shall strengthen
the house of the sons.' (Trans. Emerton, p. 159) |
Summary |
Boniface reports on the foundation of Fulda to the Pope. |
Quotation source |
Epist. 86 (p. 194, lin. 2) |
Temporal Coverage |
751 - 751 |
Associated use case(s) |
Comment |