Stelle inruptae sunt Hispaniae, caedes uas...; (Historiarum adversum paganos libri VII (417 - 418), Vol. 3, Lib. 7, Cap. 41, Par. 2, trans. Fear, p. 406) [2227]

Basic Information
ID 2227
Text Historiarum adversum paganos libri VII (417 - 418) Orosius
Quotation inruptae sunt Hispaniae, caedes uastationesque passae sunt: nihil quidem nouum, hoc enim nunc per biennium illud, quo hostilis gladius saeuiit, sustinuere a barbaris, quod per ducentos quondam annos passae fuerant a Romanis, quod etiam sub Gallieno imperatore per annos propemodum duodecim Germanis euertentibus exceperunt.
Translation The Spanish provinces were invaded and suffered devastation and slaughter. But this is nothing new. For during these two years while the enemy’s sword raged, they endured from barbarians what they had suffered at the hands of the Romans for some 200 years and what, indeed, they had received at the hands of rampaging Germans for nearly twelve years in the reign of the emperor Gallienus.
Quotation source Vol. 3, Lib. 7, Cap. 41, Par. 2, trans. Fear, p. 406
Temporal Coverage 409 - 410
Associated use case(s)