Stelle quam merito Romae Romanoque imperat...; (Carmina (Venantius Fortunatus) (540 - 600), Appendix, Cap. 2 (p. 276, v. 15)) [2319]

Basic Information
ID 2319
Text Carmina (Venantius Fortunatus) (560 - 600) Venantius Fortunatus
Quotation quam merito Romae Romanoque imperat orbi / qui sequitur quod ait dogma cathedra Petri, / quod cecinit Paulus passim, tuba milibus una, / gentibus et stupidis fudit ab ore salem, / cuius quadratum linguae rota circuit axem / eloquiique fide frigida corda calent. gloria summa tibi, rerum sator atque redemptor, / qui das Iustinum iustus in orbe caput. ecclesiae turbata fides solidata refulget / et redit ad priscum lex veneranda locum.
Translation Who by merit commands Rome and the Roman world, / Who follows the teachings of the Bishop Peter, / And what Paul played everywhere, one horn to thousands of ears, / What he poured out from the mouth of Salem to the gentiles and the foolish, / Whose wheel of language spun round the fourfold axle / And who warmed the cold hearts with the faith of his eloquence. / Highest Glory to thee, creator and redeemer of all things, / Who justly makes Justin the head of the world. / The troubled faith of the Church shines again, / and the venerable law returns to its original place. (Trans. Laura Gazzoli)
Summary Venantius addresses the Emperor Justin II and Empress Sophia.
Quotation source Appendix, Cap. 2 (p. 276, v. 15)
Temporal Coverage 565 - 578
Associated use case(s)