Stelle praeclara sane et romanis laudibus ...; (De civitate Dei (413 - 427), Lib. 2, Cap. 13 (lin. 22)) [2621]

Basic Information
ID 2621
Text De civitate Dei (413 - 427) Augustine of Hippo
Quotation praeclara sane et romanis laudibus adnumeranda prudentia; sed uellem se ipsa sequeretur, se imitaretur. ecce enim recte, quisquis ciuium romanorum esse scaenicus elegisset, non solum ei nullus ad honorem dabatur locus, uerum etiam censoris nota tribum tenere propriam minime sinebatur. o animum ciuitatis laudis auidum germaneque romanum! sed respondeatur mihi: qua consentanea ratione homines scaenici ab omni honore repelluntur, et ludi scaenici deorum honoribus admiscentur?
Translation This was, of course, a splendid provision, and one which must be attributed with approval to the prudence of the Romans; although I could wish that they had always pursued and imitated it. Behold, how right it was that any Roman citizen who chose to be an actor was not only excluded from any position of honour, but was not even allowed by the censor to retain a place in his own tribe! O what a spirit animated that city, eager for praise and faithfully Roman! But let someone tell me this: by what consistent principle were theatrical persons excluded from every honour, yet theatrical performances included in the honours paid to the gods? (Trans. Dyson)
Quotation source Lib. 2, Cap. 13 (lin. 22)
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