Stelle De ordinatione Gauzberti episcopi, ...; (Vita Anskarii (865 - 876), Capitula (p. 15)) [303]

Basic Information
ID 303
Text Vita Anskarii (865 - 876) Rimbert
Quotation De ordinatione Gauzberti episcopi, et qualiter ei cella a praedicto Ebone in Welanao ultra Albiam constructa ad locum refugii data sit, qualiterque ipse perveniens ad Sueoniam honorifice et a rege et a populo susceptus sit.
Translation Concerning the ordination of Bishop Gauzbert, and what manner of cell was constructed for him as a place of refuge beyond the Elbe by the aforementioned Ebo at Welanao, and how he, coming to Sweden, was honourably received by the king and the people (trans. Laura Gazzoli).
Quotation source Capitula (p. 15)
Temporal Coverage 832 - 832
Associated use case(s)