Stelle Femore enim posteritas seminis desi...; (Explanatio Apocalypsis (710 - 716), Lib. 3, Cap. 34, Cap. (s.s) 19, Vers. (s.s) 16 (p. 499, lin. 53)) [3532]

Basic Information
ID 3532
Text Explanatio Apocalypsis (710 - 716) Bede
Quotation Femore enim posteritas seminis designatur. Vnde et Abraham, ne posteritas eius alienigenis misceretur, inter se seruumque suum tertium testimonium femur adhibuit, de quo apostolus tamquam mortuo fratri semen suscitans ait: In Christo enim Iesu per euangelium ego uos genui.
Translation For by the thigh is designated the posterity of seed. Therefore Abraham also, in order that his posterity might not be mixed with Aliens, made use of his thigh for a third testimony between himself and his servant. And of this also the Apostle, as it were raising up seed to a brother who has died, says, 'In Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the Gospel'. (Trans. E. Marshall, The Explanation of the Apocalypse (Oxford and London: James Parker and Co., 1878, pp. 132-3)
Quotation source Lib. 3, Cap. 34, Cap. (s.s) 19, Vers. (s.s) 16 (p. 499, lin. 53)
Associated use case(s)