Stelle Postquam autem haec completa sunt a...; (In Ezram et Neemiam libri III (725 - 731), Lib. 2 (lin. 1530)) [3536]

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ID 3536
Text In Ezram et Neemiam libri III (725 - 731) Bede
Quotation Postquam autem haec completa sunt accesserunt ad me principes dicentes: non est separatus populus israhel et sacerdotes et leuitae a populis terrarum et de abominationibus eorum chananei uidelicet et hethei et ferezei et iebusei et ammanitarum et moabitarum et aegyptiorum et amorreorum, tulerunt enim de filiabus eorum sibi et filiis suis et commiscuerunt semen sanctum cum populis terrarum, manus etiam principum et magistratum fuit in hac transmigratione prima. Huius culpa transgressionis et in malachi propheta manifeste descripta ac prophetica auctoritate redarguta est qua uidelicet reuersi de captiuitate babyloniae tam principes et sacerdotes ac leuitae quam reliquus populus abiecerunt uxores suas israhelitici generis quae paupertate et inopia longioris uiae et fragilitate sexus non ferentes laborem confectae erant et infirmitatem ac deformitatem corporum contraxerunt et cum alienigenis uel aetate florentibus uel cultu corporum pulchrioribus uel potentum ac diuitum filiabus matrimonia copularunt.
Translation After these things were accomplished, the leaders came to me and said, ‘The people of Israel and the priests and Levites have not kept themselves separate from the people of the lands and fromtheir detestable practices, like those of the Canaanites, Hittites, Perizzites, Jebusites, Ammonites, Moabites, Egyptians and Amorites. For they have taken some of their daughters for themselves and for their sons, and have mingled the holy seed with the people of the lands.And the hand of the leaders and officials has been the first in this crossing of boundaries.’The crime of this transgression is also plainly described in the prophet Malachi and is denounced by propheticauthority. For when they had returned from captivity in Babylonia,not only the leaders and priests and Levites but also the remaining people cast aside their wives who were of the Israelite race, who were exhausted and unable to work due to their poverty and the privations of too long a journey and the weakness of their sex, and so their bodies had become weak and unattractive; and they joined in marriage with foreigners either because they were flourishing in age, or were more beautiful because of the care they took of their bodies, or because they were the daughters of powerful and rich men. (Trans. DeGregorio, p. 136)
Quotation source Lib. 2 (lin. 1530)
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