Stelle Supra dictum est quod in tribus die...; (In Ezram et Neemiam libri III (725 - 731), Lib. 2 (lin. 1840)) [3542]

Basic Information
ID 3542
Text In Ezram et Neemiam libri III (725 - 731) Bede
Quotation Supra dictum est quod in tribus diebus omnes filii transmigrationis uenire deberent in hierusalem, et nunc tribus mensibus decimo uidelicet undecimo et duodecimo castigantur ab uxoribus alienigenis. Tres namque sunt uirtutes sine quibus ad uitam peruenire nequimus, fides spes et caritas.
Translation It was said above that in three days all the descendants of the exiles should come to Jerusalem, and now it is said that in three months (namely the tenth,eleventh, and twelfth months)2they are purified from the foreign wives. For there are three virtues without which we cannot arrive at life – faith, hope, and love (Trans. DeGregorio, p. 147)
Quotation source Lib. 2 (lin. 1840)
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