Stelle Agnomen est quod extrinsecus ab al...; (Tractatus super Donatum (801 - 850), p. 67) [393]

Basic Information
ID 393
Text Tractatus super Donatum (801 - 850) Erchanbert of Freising
Quotation Agnomen est quod extrinsecus ab aliquo evenit eventu, ut Scipio Africanus ob hoc dictus quia rebellem semper Africam imperio Romanorum adiecit, et Carolus Saxonicus quia Saxoniam viriliter regno Francorum subegit.
Translation Agnomen is what is given from the outside on the basis of some occurrence, as in the case of Scipio Africanus, who was called this way because he added the continuously revolting Africa to the Roman dominion (or better empire?), and in the case of Carolus Saxonicus as well, because he manfully subjugated Saxony to the authority (or better kingdom?) of the Franks. (C. Grifoni)
Quotation source p. 67
Associated use case(s)
Comment The Kingdom of the Franks is here equalized to the Roman Empire.