Stelle Haec mystice. Moraliter autem Isaa...; (Mysticorum expositiones sacramentorum seu Quaestiones in Vetus Testamentum (624 - 636), In Genesim, Cap. 22, Par. 6, Col. 255 (lin. 3)) [4033]

Basic Information
ID 4033
Text Mysticorum expositiones sacramentorum seu Quaestiones in Vetus Testamentum (624 - 636) Isidore of Seville
Quotation Haec mystice. Moraliter autem Isaac apud alienigenam gentem puteos fodisse describitur, quo videlicet exemplo discimus, ut in hac peregrinationis aerumna positi, cogitationum nostrarum profunda penetremus, et quousque nobis verae intelligentiae aqua respondeat, nequaquam nostrae inquisitionis manus ab exhaurienda cordis terra torpescat. Quos tamen puteos allophyli, id est, immundi spiritus insidiantes replent, quia nimirum immundi spiritus, cum nos studiosius cor fodere conspiciunt, molestas nobis tentationum cogitationes ingerunt.
Translation These things are to be taken mystically. Morally, however, Isaac is described as having as dug wells among an alien people, from which example we learn that as when they were placed in that desert of wanderings, we penetrate the depths of our thoughts, and to the extent that water of true understanding comes up to us, never shall the hand of our inquisition tire from drawing things out of hte earth with cords. But these wells, however, the allophyles (foreigners), that is, those plotting with impure spirit, fill up, since (no wonder!) the impure of spirit, when they have seen our heart dig more studiously, they begin thinking on ways to undermine our thinking.
Quotation source In Genesim, Cap. 22, Par. 6, Col. 255 (lin. 3)
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