Stelle Credensque a multitudine suorum eos...; (De rebus gestis Rogerii Calabriae et Siciliae comitis et Roberti Guiscardi ducis fratris eius (1075 - 1100), III, 26) [4157]

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ID 4157
Text De rebus gestis Rogerii Calabriae et Siciliae comitis et Roberti Guiscardi ducis fratris eius (1075 - 1100) Geoffrey Malaterra
Quotation Credensque a multitudine suorum eos facile occupari posse, Venetianis mandat, ut plurima classe apud Duracium sibi occurrant, ut, si ibi forte nostri, bello ab ipso devicti, fugientes per mare evadere niterentur, ab ipsis navali certamine praeventi, facilius intercepti perimerentur.
Translation He believed that the huge number of his men would enable him easily to overcome our troops, and so he sent a message to the Venetians to join him at Durazzo with a powerful fleet. His plan was that if, after he had defeated them, our men tried to get away by sea, the Venetians would engage them in a naval battle, and once they had been intercepted they would speedily perish.
Quotation source III, 26
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