Stelle Erat autem, ea tempestate, apud Dur...; (De rebus gestis Rogerii Calabriae et Siciliae comitis et Roberti Guiscardi ducis fratris eius (1075 - 1100), III, 28) [4163]

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ID 4163
Text De rebus gestis Rogerii Calabriae et Siciliae comitis et Roberti Guiscardi ducis fratris eius (1075 - 1100) Geoffrey Malaterra
Quotation Erat autem, ea tempestate, apud Duracium Venetianus quidam, nomine Dominicus, nobili genere, cuius providentiae major turris ad tuendum delegata erat. … Animus vero cupiditate aeger, ut a promittentibus avaritiae luxuria admiscetur, facile corruptus, a bono honestoque proposito proclivis in deterius dilapsus est. Dux denique, neptem speciosae formae habens, filiam videlicet fratris sui Guilielmi, Principatus comitis, ut ei in matrimonium cum haereditate puellae competenti associandam se dare spopondit, pro libitu suo favore usus, sacramentis ab utrisque partibus datis, illo ut urbem tradat, isto ut neptem conferat jurante, mox per traditionem urbem subintrandi terminatur.
Translation There was at that time in Durazzo a Venetian of noble birth named Dominic, to whom had been entrusted the guard of an important tower. … The Venetian's mind was riddled with greed and easily corrupted by those making promises which played on both his avarice and lust; thus he took the slippery path from good and honest intentions down to much worse ones. Finally, in answer to his request, the duke promised to give him the hand in marriage of his shapely and beautiful niece, the daughter of his brother Count William of the Principate, along with her hereditary property. The duke used this bribe to get what he wanted, and both parties swore oaths, Dominic to betray the city, the duke swearing to give him his niece. The deal was to be concluded in the very near future by the betrayal of the city to those outside.
Quotation source III, 28
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Comment Latin descriptors for Venetians: nobili genere, cupiditate aeger, facile corruptus, a bono honestoque proposito proclivis in deterius dilapsus est