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ID |
4167 |
Text |
De rebus gestis Rogerii Calabriae et Siciliae comitis et Roberti Guiscardi ducis fratris eius (1075 - 1100) Geoffrey Malaterra |
Quotation |
Sed Centurbienses, quamvis strenuitatem ipsorum non ignorarent, mori tamen non abhorrentes, cum nullo modo servire volunt, in defensione urbis et sua propugnacula armant. Nostri vero fortiter oppugnantes civitatem, cum viderent suos a fundibulariis et a sagittariis vexari et sine detrimento suorum versus urbem nil se posse proficere, ab oppugnatione desistunt, maxime quia in proximo sibi a Sarracenis bellum imminere audiebant. |
Translation |
But though they were well aware of their valour [strenuitas] the inhabitants of Centuripe were not deterred by the prospect of death and, since they had no wish at all to serve them, manned their ramparts in defence of their city. Our men attacked the city bravely, but when they saw the their men were being harassed by slingers and archers, and would be unable to achieve anything against the town without heavy casualties, the brothers called off the assault, particularly since they had heard that the Saracens were nearby and threatening battle. |
Quotation source |
II, 15 |
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