Stelle Sic triduo, flumine interposito, s...; (De rebus gestis Rogerii Calabriae et Siciliae comitis et Roberti Guiscardi ducis fratris eius (1075 - 1100), II, 33) [4172]

Basic Information
ID 4172
Text De rebus gestis Rogerii Calabriae et Siciliae comitis et Roberti Guiscardi ducis fratris eius (1075 - 1100) Geoffrey Malaterra
Quotation Sic triduo, flumine interposito, sese mutuo conspicientes, nec illi versus istos transire flumen praesumebant; in quarto vero die Sarraceni, castra commoventes, ne ulterius quasi ad tergum retrogradi viderentur, in monte, quo se jam triduo ostentaverant, castrametati sunt
Translation So for three days, with the river in between them, they stared at each other, with neither daring to cross the river towards the other. On the fourth day the Saracens, not wishing to seem to be withdrawing to the rear any longer, moved their camp and set it up on the mountain on which they had for the previous three been drawn up.
Quotation source II, 33
Associated use case(s)
Comment Latin descriptor for Saracens: ne ulterius quasi ad tergum retrogradi viderentur