Stelle Inde de prospero eventu cum maxima...; (De rebus gestis Rogerii Calabriae et Siciliae comitis et Roberti Guiscardi ducis fratris eius (1075 - 1100), II, 14) [4177]

Basic Information
ID 4177
Text De rebus gestis Rogerii Calabriae et Siciliae comitis et Roberti Guiscardi ducis fratris eius (1075 - 1100) Geoffrey Malaterra
Quotation Inde de prospero eventu cum maxima laetitia recedentes et, debilitate gentis cognita, audaciores sub Scabatripoli hospitium sumunt. Inde in crastinum ad Fraxinos perveniunt, et a Fraxinis ad Maniaci pratum. Hic Christiani, in valle Deminae manentes, sub Sarracenis tributarii erant. De Christianorum adventu gavisi, illis occurrerunt, multaque exenia et donaria obtulerunt
Translation The brothers left, rejoicing greatly at this happy ending and, realising how feeble these people were, became bolder and chose to bivouac near Tripi. The next day they came to Frazzano, and then from there to the plain of Maniace. The Christians who had stayed in the Val Demone had paid tribute to the Saracens. They were overjoyed at the arrival of [other] Christians and rushed out to meet them, bringing them many offerings and gifts.
Quotation source II, 14
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