Stelle Inde ergo, profundiores partes Sic...; (De rebus gestis Rogerii Calabriae et Siciliae comitis et Roberti Guiscardi ducis fratris eius (1075 - 1100), I, 7) [4190]
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ID | 4190 |
Text | De rebus gestis Rogerii Calabriae et Siciliae comitis et Roberti Guiscardi ducis fratris eius (1075 - 1100) Geoffrey Malaterra |
Quotation | Inde ergo, profundiores partes Siciliae attentando et omnia subjugando progredientes, Syracusam usque pervenerunt: cuius cives, ab urbe progressi, cum Maniacensibus congrediuntur. Archadius quidam, qui urbi principabatur, nostris infestissimus insistens, multas strages dabat: quo Willelmus, Tancredi filius, qui Ferrea-brachia nuncupabatur, plurimum indignatus, impetu facto, super eum irruit fortiterque congrediens, hostili robore dejectum interfecit: unde et maxima laudis admiratione deinceps apud Graecos et apud Siculos fuit |
Translation | They then set off to invade and conquer the more distant parts of Sicily and came to Syracuse. Its citizens made a sortie and gave battle to Maniaces's men. Archadius [the Caid] who ruled over that city gave our men a tremendous fight and killed a number of them. William son of Tancred, who was known as 'the Iron Arm' became exceedingly angry, charged forward, rushed bravely upon him, and with a mighty blow cut him down dead. This deed was much praised and admired by both Greeks and Sicilians |
Quotation source | I, 7 |
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