Stelle Ipse quidem legatos jam pridem Cap...; (De rebus gestis Rogerii Calabriae et Siciliae comitis et Roberti Guiscardi ducis fratris eius (1075 - 1100), IV, 26) [4211]

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ID 4211
Text De rebus gestis Rogerii Calabriae et Siciliae comitis et Roberti Guiscardi ducis fratris eius (1075 - 1100) Geoffrey Malaterra
Quotation Ipse quidem legatos jam pridem Capuanis honestos viros praemiserat, submonens hortando ut ab inepto incoepto desisterent: se illis nil mali inferre velle, sed potius, si cum principe suo jus exequi velint, eorum parti cum justitia sustentamento esse. ... At ubi, legatis regredientibus, eos nil moliri, sed potius in malitia sua superbe persistere audit, inde commovens, Capuanos fines pervadit
Translation He had already sent some distinguished men as envoys to the Capuans, to advise and persuade them to abandon the course that they had undertaken: he did not wish to do them any harm, rather to look after their interests if he could do so justly, provided that they were prepared to follow the dictates of justice towards their prince ... But when the envoys returned he heard how the Capuans had been quite unmoved, preferring to remain arrogantly attached to their evil ways
Quotation source IV, 26
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