Stelle 1205. In diversis regionibus et max...; (Annales Elnonenses maiores (1224 - 1300), (p. 16, lin. 47)) [4240]

Basic Information
ID 4240
Text Annales Elnonenses maiores (1224 - 1300) Anonymous - Annals
Quotation 1205. In diversis regionibus et maxime in regno Francie gens christiana igne divino succensa, mirabiliter et ineffabiliter cruciata est.
Translation 1205. In various regions and particularly in the kingdom of France the Christian people were kindled by a divine fire, and suffered inexpressibly. (Trans. Laura Gazzoli)
Quotation source (p. 16, lin. 47)
Temporal Coverage 1205 - 1205
Associated use case(s)